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Tarte de Team Spirit - WMM Edition

Category Pizza, tarte flambée & snacks

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  • 40 minutes
Unity Dough
  1. 200 g Trust Flour (for a strong foundation)
  2. 1 tbs Collaboration Yeast (to help ideas rise)
  3. 1 pinch Patience Salt (for a well-seasoned team)
  4. 150 ml Laughter Water (to keep things light)
Teamwork Toppings
  1. 1 bunch Synchronized Onions (finely diced for harmony)
  2. 100 g Supportive Cheese (grated, to hold everything together)
  3. 10 slices Encouragement Bacon (crispy bits of motivation)
  4. 200 g Shared Success Mushrooms (sliced for a collaborative touch)
Growth Sauce
  1. 2 ts Progress Olive Oil (for smooth development)
  2. 1 tbs Synergy Mustard (to add a tangy kick)
  3. 1 clove Innovation Garlic (minced for a burst of creativity)

1. Activate the Unity Dough: In a big mixing bowl, combine Trust Flour, Collaboration Yeast, Patience Salt, and gradually add Laughter Water. Knead until you have a cohesive, supportive dough. Allow it to rise, symbolizing the growth of your team spirit.

2. Roll Out the Foundation: Roll out the Unity Dough on a teamwork-floured surface. Aim for a large, united circle, representing your team's unity. Place it on a baking sheet lined with shared achievements.

3. Spread the Growth Sauce: Mix Progress Olive Oil, Synergy Mustard, and minced Innovation Garlic. Spread this sauce evenly over the Unity Dough, symbolizing the collaborative effort that flavors the team's journey.

4. Layer on the Teamwork Toppings: Sprinkle Synchronized Onions across the dough, creating a foundation of harmony. Add the Supportive Cheese generously, ensuring it covers every corner. Place Encouragement Bacon and Shared Success Mushrooms strategically, representing the varied skills and strengths within the team.

5. Bake with the Team Navigenio: Place the pot on the Navigenio and heat on growing level up to the roasting window (or the temperature where your team operates best). Turn the Navigenio together with your knower victim attitudes and bake until there is a crust of willingness to learn.

6. Serve with a Side of Celebration: Once the Tarte de Team Spirit is out of the Navigenio, let it cool for a few minutes. Slice and serve with a side of Celebration Sauce – a mixture of shared victories and mutual recognition.

7. Enjoy your Tarte de Team Spirit - Growing Together Edition! May every bite be a reminder of the wonderful recipe that is your team's success.


  • Clear Communication: Apply a generous layer of Communication Glaze to ensure everyone is on the same page. Foster an open environment for ideas to flow freely, just like the smooth glaze on your tart.
  • Embrace Adaptability: Sprinkle your team with Adaptability Sprinkles. Embrace change, encourage flexibility, and be open to new ingredients. A dash of adaptability can turn challenges into delightful surprises in your teamwork tart.

This recipe has been tested and approved by AMC.

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