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Eggplant tartare

Category Vegetables & mushrooms

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  • 55 minutes
  1. 2 shallots
  2. 2 cloves of garlic
  3. 2 eggplants
  4. 100 ml red wine
  5. salt, pepper
  6. 500 ml sieved tomatoes (tin)
To season:
  1. 2 tbs hot mustard
  2. 4 tbs olive oil
  3. 3 shallots
  4. 100 g gherkins
  5. 2 tbs capers
  6. 8 stalks parsley
  7. 1 ts tabasco
  8. 2 ts soy sauce
  9. 4 ts ketchup
  10. 1 tbs white balsamic vinegar
  11. black pepper

1. Peel the shallots and garlic. Remove the skin of the eggplants with a peeler and finely chop everything in the Quick Cut.

2. Add the chopped ingredients to the cold pan and heat on highest level until the roasting window is reached.

3. Deglaze with wine and season with salt and pepper. Roast uncovered at the highest level, turning frequently, until all the liquid has evaporated. Add the tomato sauce and stir.

4. Heat the pot on highest level up to the vegetable window, switch to a low level and cook for about 15 minutes in the vegetable area. At the end of the cooking time, take the tartare out of the pot and allow to cool so that the consistency firms up.

5. Stir mustard into the olive oil, peel the shallots and dice them finely. Chop the gherkins, capers and parsley finely and add to the mustard and oil mixture. Add the other ingredients and stir in.

6. Mix the dressing into the tartare and serve.


  • Serve with warm toast and butter like a classic tartare.
  • Serve other toppings with it according to preference, such as scallions, capers, olives, cocktail tomatoes, chili peppers etc.

This recipe has been tested and approved by AMC.

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Cooking method


Vegetable window

suitable for controlled coooking

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